Rules of Cricket Darts and its Variations: Complete Guide

The Rules of Cricket Darts

Cricket darts is one of the most beloved games in the darts world. It’s a blend of skill, strategy, and a bit of psychology that requires players to balance closing out numbers while outscoring their opponent. Whether you’re playing casually with friends or competing in a league, understanding the rules and strategies of Cricket darts can give you an edge.

As you dive deeper into the game, you’ll find that Cricket darts is simple to learn but challenging to master. The game’s appeal lies in its balance of offense and defense, where every throw counts, and strategy can turn the tide of a match. You’ll also discover various versions of Cricket darts, each adding its own unique twist to the traditional gameplay.

With a mix of skill, strategy, and a bit of competitive spirit, Cricket darts offers an engaging and rewarding experience for players of all levels.

Cricket Darts

This article will guide you through the basic rules, different variations, strategies, and even common mistakes to avoid. By the end, you’ll have a solid grasp of the game and be ready to step up to the oche with confidence.

What is Cricket Darts?

At its core, Cricket darts is a game of precision and control. Players aim to close specific numbers on the dartboard while managing their score. The game focuses on closing the numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, and the bullseye. Each number represents a segment on the dartboard, and the goal is to hit these segments enough times to “close” them.

The challenge lies in balancing the act of closing these numbers while also racking up points to outscore your opponent. Cricket darts has its roots in traditional English pub games, where it gained popularity for its competitive yet straightforward nature.

The game requires two players or teams, making it perfect for friendly matches or intense rivalries. The appeal of Cricket darts lies in its balance between offense and defense. You must decide when to close numbers and when to score points, making every throw crucial. This blend of strategy and skill is what makes Cricket darts such an engaging and enduring game.

Background of Cricket Darts

The history of Cricket darts is as fascinating as the game itself. It’s believed to have originated in the mid-20th century, possibly in the United States, as a variation of the existing dart games.

Over time, it became a staple in dart leagues and tournaments around the world. Today, Cricket darts is played by millions, both casually and competitively, in homes, pubs, and organized leagues.

The Basic Rules of Cricket Darts

Cricket darts is straightforward yet challenging. To excel, you must master the basic rules. The primary objective is to close all the Cricket numbers 20 through 15 and the bullseye—before your opponent does.

To close a number, you must hit it three times. Each hit counts as a single, double, or triple, corresponding to one, two, or three marks, respectively. For example, hitting the triple 20 will immediately close that number, while three single hits on 20 will also close it.

Once a number is closed, you can score points by hitting it again, provided your opponent hasn’t closed it. The game continues until all numbers are closed. To win, you must close all your numbers and have the highest score. If both players or teams close all the numbers, the player or team with the most points wins.

The game is typically played in a series of legs, where each leg is a single game of Cricket darts. In a best-of-three format, for example, the first player to win two legs is declared the overall winner. This format adds an extra layer of strategy, as players must manage their energy and focus across multiple games.

In terms of equipment, you’ll need a standard dartboard and a set of three darts per player. The dartboard should be hung with the bullseye at a height of 5 feet 8 inches from the floor, and players should stand behind the oche, which is 7 feet 9.25 inches from the board. With the setup complete, you’re ready to start your Cricket darts match.

How to Play Cricket Darts: Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re a beginner or refining your skills, understanding the flow of a Cricket darts game is essential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Setting Up the Game

First, decide who throws first. This can be determined by a coin toss or by each player throwing one dart at the bullseye. The closest dart to the bullseye starts the game. The first player to throw has the advantage of setting the pace of the game, so winning this initial throw is crucial.

2. Taking Turns

The game begins with players taking turns throwing three darts each. The goal is to close the Cricket numbers and score points. For example, if you hit a 20 with your first dart, it counts as one mark. If you hit it again with your second dart, that’s two marks. Hitting the triple 20 closes the number immediately, scoring three marks.

3. Closing Numbers

Focus on closing numbers before your opponent does. This approach prevents them from scoring on those numbers. For example, if you close 20s while your opponent has only hit one 20, they can no longer score points from that segment. Closing numbers is as much about defense as it is about offense.

4. Scoring Points

Once you’ve closed a number, any additional hits on that number score points. For example, if you’ve closed 18s and hit another 18, you’ll score 18 points. The key is to score as many points as possible while your opponent is still working to close their numbers.

5. The Endgame

The game reaches the endgame when most numbers are closed. At this stage, players often target the bullseye to secure victory. The outer bullseye counts as one mark, and the inner bullseye counts as two. Closing the bullseye can be challenging, but it’s crucial for sealing the win.

6. Winning the Game

Once all numbers and the bullseye are closed, the game ends. The player with the highest score wins. If both players or teams have closed all the numbers, the victory goes to the player or team with the most points.

If there’s a tie, the game can be extended with a sudden-death round or declared a draw, depending on the rules agreed upon beforehand.

Using Scoreboards for Cricket Darts

Keeping track of scores in Cricket darts is crucial for maintaining the flow of the game and ensuring accurate results. Whether you’re playing on a traditional dartboard or an electronic one, using a scoreboard effectively can make a significant difference in your game.

Cricket Darts - Chalkboard

How to Use a Scoreboard in Cricket Darts

In traditional Cricket darts, players use a simple scoreboard to track the status of each number (20 through 15) and the bullseye. Here’s how you can use a standard scoreboard:

  1. Draw Two Columns
    Start by drawing two vertical columns on your scoreboard, one for each player (or team). Label these columns with the players’ names or initials.
  2. List the Numbers
    Down the middle of the scoreboard, list the numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, and Bull (for the bullseye). These are the target numbers in Cricket darts.
  3. Mark Hits
    For each number, players need to hit it three times to “close” it. Each time a player hits a number, mark it on the scoreboard with a slash (/). Once a number is closed, it can be marked with an “X” or circled to indicate that it’s no longer available for scoring.
  4. Record Points
    If a player hits a closed number before the opponent has closed it, they score points equal to that number. Record these points in the player’s column next to the number. The total points should be tallied at the bottom of the scoreboard.
  5. Winning the Game
    The game ends when all numbers and the bullseye are closed by at least one player. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Scoring Apps for Cricket Darts

For those who prefer a digital approach, scoring apps offer a convenient and modern way to keep track of your game. These apps not only handle the scorekeeping but also offer additional features that can enhance your Cricket darts experience.

1 DartConnect

DartConnect is a professional-grade scoring app used in competitive darts. It offers a comprehensive set of features, including real-time score tracking, detailed statistics, and online play options. The app is particularly useful for serious players who want to analyze their performance in depth. DartConnect is available on iOS and Android, with a subscription-based model for full access.

2 DartCounter

Target Darts DartCounter is a popular app for tracking scores in various darts games, including Cricket. It provides an easy-to-use interface where you can input your scores, and it automatically updates the status of each number. The app also offers player statistics, allowing you to track your progress over time. DartCounter is available on both Android and iOS.

3 My Dart Training

My Dart Training is another versatile app that supports Cricket darts. It offers a range of features, including score tracking, player statistics, and practice modes. The app also includes a training section where you can improve your accuracy and consistency. My Dart Training is available for free on Android, with in-app purchases for additional features.

Why Use a Scoring App?

Scoring apps simplify the process of keeping track of the game, allowing you to focus more on your strategy and less on the logistics. They offer accurate and instantaneous score updates, minimizing the risk of errors.

Additionally, most apps provide valuable insights into your gameplay, helping you identify strengths and areas for improvement. Whether you’re playing casually or competitively, a scoring app can enhance your Cricket darts experience.

Variations of Cricket Darts

Cricket darts has inspired several variations, each offering a unique twist to the traditional game. These variations add complexity and fun, catering to different skill levels and preferences. Here are some of the most popular variations:

No-Score Cricket

No-Score Cricket is a simpler version of the game. In this variation, players focus solely on closing numbers without scoring points. This version is ideal for beginners, as it reduces the pressure of keeping track of scores. The focus is entirely on accuracy and closing numbers, making it a great way to practice your precision without worrying about the scoring aspect.

Cut-Throat Cricket

Cut-Throat Cricket adds a competitive edge to the game. In this variation, players aim to give points to their opponents rather than scoring points for themselves. When you hit a number that your opponent hasn’t closed, they receive the points. The goal is to have the lowest score by the end of the game.This variation requires a keen understanding of strategy, as you must balance closing numbers with the risk of giving your opponent points.

Reverse Cricket

Reverse Cricket flips the traditional rules. Instead of closing numbers from 20 down to 15, players start with 15 and work their way up to 20. This variation adds a new layer of strategy, as the smaller numbers are more challenging to close early in the game. Reverse Cricket forces players to adapt their usual tactics, making it an excellent way to develop versatility in your game.

Scram Cricket

Scram Cricket involves two rounds. In the first round, one player attempts to close numbers while the other scores as many points as possible. In the second round, the roles reverse. The player with the most points at the end of both rounds wins. This variation requires both offensive and defensive skills. Scram Cricket is a great way to practice both aspects of the game, as it forces players to be proficient in both scoring and closing numbers.

Different Rules for Different Regions

Cricket darts rules can vary by region. Some areas have their own unique rules or scoring systems, adding local flavor to the game.

If you’re playing in a new location, it’s always a good idea to check the local rules before starting. For example, some regions might include additional numbers like 14 and 13 in the game, or they might use a different method for determining who throws first.

Strategies to Master Cricket Darts

To outmaneuver your opponent in Cricket darts, you must employ effective strategies tailored to your playing style. Understanding when to close numbers and when to score is key to mastering the game. Here’s how you can refine your approach:

Offensive Strategies

An offensive approach involves closing numbers as quickly as possible. Start with the highest numbers first—20, 19, and 18—to maximize scoring opportunities.

Once you close these numbers, you can rack up points while your opponent tries to catch up. This strategy works well if you’re confident in your ability to score quickly and consistently. By focusing on high-scoring numbers first, you can build a significant lead and put pressure on your opponent.

Defensive Strategies

A defensive strategy focuses on closing numbers your opponent hasn’t targeted yet. This tactic prevents them from scoring and forces them to play catch-up. By closing numbers strategically, you can control the pace of the game and limit your opponent’s options. This strategy is especially effective if your opponent is a strong scorer, as it neutralizes their ability to rack up points.

Balanced Approach

A balanced approach combines offense and defense. Start by closing a few key numbers and then switch to scoring points. This method allows you to build a lead while still working to close the remaining numbers.

The key to a balanced approach is flexibility—being able to shift between offensive and defensive strategies as the game progresses. By adapting to your opponent’s moves, you can maintain control of the game and increase your chances of winning.

Situational Awareness

Understanding the current state of the game is crucial. Pay attention to your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, if your opponent is struggling to close a particular number, focus on scoring points from that number while you have the opportunity.

Situational awareness also involves knowing when to take risks, such as going for the bullseye early to secure a lead or closing a high-scoring number to prevent your opponent from catching up.

Psychological Tactics

Cricket darts is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. Use psychological tactics to keep your opponent off-balance. For example, varying the pace of your throws can disrupt their rhythm, while subtle comments can add pressure. Confidence is key—projecting calm and control can unsettle your opponent and give you a psychological edge.

However, be mindful of sportsmanship; while psychological tactics can be effective, they should never cross the line into unsportsmanlike behavior.

Common Mistakes in Cricket Darts and How to Avoid Them

Even experienced players can make mistakes in Cricket darts. Recognizing these common errors can help you avoid them and improve your game.

Focusing Too Much on Scoring

It’s easy to get caught up in scoring points, but this can leave you vulnerable if you haven’t closed enough numbers. Avoid this mistake by balancing your focus between scoring and closing numbers. Remember, closing numbers is just as important as scoring points. If you neglect closing numbers, your opponent can easily catch up and overtake you.

Ignoring the Bullseye

The bullseye is often overlooked until the end of the game, but it can be a game-changer. Consider targeting the bullseye earlier, especially if you’re ahead in points. Closing the bullseye can put significant pressure on your opponent and give you a strategic advantage. Additionally, hitting the bullseye consistently requires practice, so don’t neglect it during your training sessions.

Not Adapting Your Strategy

Sticking to a single strategy without adapting to the game’s flow is a common mistake. Be flexible and adjust your approach based on your opponent’s moves. For example, if your opponent is focusing heavily on scoring, you might need to switch to a defensive strategy to close off their scoring opportunities. Conversely, if your opponent is struggling to close numbers, take advantage by scoring points from those numbers.

Losing Focus

Cricket darts requires concentration and precision. Losing focus can lead to missed opportunities and poor throws. Stay engaged and avoid distractions to maintain your performance. If you find yourself getting distracted, take a moment to regroup and refocus. Techniques like deep breathing or visualization can help you regain concentration and improve your accuracy.

Underestimating Your Opponent

Never underestimate your opponent, regardless of their skill level. Stay focused and play your best game, even if you’re ahead. Overconfidence can lead to careless mistakes and allow your opponent to catch up. Treat every game with the same level of seriousness and respect, whether you’re playing against a novice or an experienced player.

Playing Cricket Darts on Electronic Dartboards

Electronic dartboards, such as the Viper 800, have become increasingly popular for both casual and competitive darts players. These dartboards offer a modern twist on traditional dart play, with a range of features that can enhance your Cricket game.

How to Play Cricket on an Electronic Dartboard

Playing Cricket on an electronic dartboard follows the same rules as the traditional game, but with added conveniences. The Viper 800, for instance, automatically tracks your scores, displays them on an LED screen, and even announces the results. Simply select the Cricket game mode, and the dartboard will guide you through the game, keeping track of hits, misses, and points. This eliminates the need for manual scorekeeping, allowing you to focus entirely on your strategy and throws.

Benefits of Playing Cricket on an Electronic Dartboard

  1. Automatic Scoring
    One of the biggest advantages of electronic dartboards is automatic scoring. The dartboard instantly records your score when you hit a target, which means no more disputes over missed marks or incorrect tallies. This feature is particularly useful in Cricket, where keeping track of hits and points can become complicated as the game progresses.
  2. Variety of Game Modes
    Electronic dartboards like the Viper 800 offer multiple game modes and variations, including different versions of Cricket such as Cut-Throat Cricket. This variety can add a new level of excitement to your games and help you develop your skills in different scenarios.
  3. Enhanced Practice Options
    Electronic dartboards often include practice modes, allowing you to work on specific aspects of your game. For instance, you can practice hitting particular numbers or the bullseye, helping you improve your accuracy in Cricket. Some boards also offer solo play modes where you can play against the computer, providing a challenging opponent whenever you need it.
  4. Built-in Player Profiles and Memory
    High-end electronic dartboards like the Viper 800 allow you to save player profiles, including stats, averages, and previous game results. This feature is excellent for tracking your progress over time, identifying areas for improvement, and analyzing your performance in Cricket darts. The built-in memory also makes it easy to resume games if you need to take a break.
  5. Interactive Features
    Many electronic dartboards come with interactive features such as sound effects, voice prompts, and LED displays. These features add an element of fun to the game and can make Cricket darts more engaging, especially for beginners or those playing in a group. The voice prompts can also help new players understand the rules and strategies of Cricket more quickly.
  6. Durability and Safety
    Electronic dartboards use soft tip darts, which are safer than steel tip darts, especially in a home setting where children or pets may be present. The boards are also designed to be durable, withstanding hundreds of throws without losing accuracy. This durability makes electronic dartboards a great investment for those who play frequently.
  7. Easy Setup and Maintenance
    Setting up an electronic dartboard like the Viper 800 is straightforward, with clear instructions and minimal tools required. Maintenance is also simple; most boards are designed to be low maintenance, requiring only occasional cleaning and checking for loose parts. This ease of use makes electronic dartboards an attractive option for players of all levels.

Why Choose an Electronic Dartboard for Cricket?

If you’re serious about improving your Cricket darts game, an electronic dartboard can be a valuable tool. The automatic scoring, variety of game modes, and practice options allow you to focus more on your technique and strategy, rather than on keeping score or resetting the game manually.

Additionally, the interactive and safety features make it a great choice for family play or casual games with friends.

Cricket Darts Resources and Competitions

If you’re serious about improving your Cricket darts game or looking to compete at a higher level, there are numerous resources and competitions available to help you along the way. Whether you’re seeking to learn more about the game, find local leagues, or participate in national tournaments, there are plenty of options to explore.

The American Darts Organization (ADO) is one of the leading organizations for electronic darts in the United States. For news and competitions, it’s a great place to start.

Cricket Darts Competitions

For those looking to take their game to the next level, participating in competitions can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Competitions provide an opportunity to test your skills against other players, gain experience, and even earn recognition in the darts community.

ADO National Cricket Championships

One of the premier events in the United States for Cricket darts players is the ADO National Cricket Championships. Held annually, this tournament brings together top players from across the country to compete for the national title.

This event not only offers intense competition but also provides a chance to network with other players and learn from the best in the sport.

Local and Regional Tournaments

In addition to national championships, many local and regional tournaments offer competitive play for Cricket darts enthusiasts. These events are often organized by darts leagues or clubs and can range from small, community-based competitions to larger, more formal events.

Participating in these tournaments is a great way to gain experience, improve your game, and meet other players who share your passion for Cricket darts.

International Competitions

For those who are truly dedicated, international competitions present the ultimate challenge. Events like the World Darts Championship or the World Cup of Darts feature the best players from around the globe, including those who excel in Cricket darts.

While these competitions primarily focus on 501, Cricket is also featured in various international tournaments, especially in countries where the game is popular.

Why Compete in Cricket Darts?

Competing in Cricket darts is more than just a test of skill; it’s an opportunity to push your limits, learn from others, and enjoy the camaraderie of the darts community.

Whether you’re aiming for a national title or just looking to have fun in a local league, there’s a competition out there for every level of player.

Wrapping Up: Mastering Cricket Darts

Mastering Cricket darts takes time, practice, and a deep understanding of the game’s nuances. By learning the rules, experimenting with different strategies, and practicing regularly, you can become a formidable player.

Whether you’re playing casually with friends or competing in a league, Cricket darts offers endless opportunities for improvement and enjoyment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is the main objective of Cricket darts?
The main objective is to close the numbers 20 through 15 and the bullseye while scoring more points than your opponent.

How do you close a number in Cricket darts?
You close a number by hitting it three times. Each hit counts as one, two, or three marks, depending on where the dart lands.

Can you score points after closing a number?
Yes, you can score points on a closed number as long as your opponent hasn’t closed it yet.

What is Cut-Throat Cricket?
Cut-Throat Cricket is a variation where players aim to give points to their opponents. The goal is to have the lowest score by the end of the game.

What is the best strategy for winning Cricket darts?
The best strategy varies depending on your opponent’s style. However, balancing between closing numbers and scoring points is key to success.

How does scoring work in Cricket darts?
You score points by hitting a number after you’ve closed it. Points are awarded based on the number of times you hit the closed number.